.NAME Domain Name Rules/Requirements

The following policies apply to a .NAME domain name:

  • .NAME domain names can only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9, dot (.) and hyphen (-).

  • The minimum length permitted for a Second level .NAME domain name (e.g., xyz.name) is 3 characters while the maximum length is 63 characters (excluding the .NAME extension).

  • Certain names are reserved by the Registry and Registration of such names is blocked. These include any name that may be deemed as a common surname e.g., metelev, putyatin, simacek, etc. The list of reserved names is currently not publicly available.

  • A particular name will not be available for Registration, if a Third level domain name is already registered with this name at the Second level.


    TwentytwentyMedia Ltd t/a 2020Reg also provides Registration services for Third level .NAME domain names. In addition, please note that registration of xyz.name will not be allowed if a domain name such as abc.xyz.name is already registered.

  • When you register a .NAME domain name, you have to wait for 5 days before you can update the Registrant contact details.